MICIE project objective, being in line with EU initiative to esatblish a Critical Infrastructure Warning Information Network (CIWIN), is to design and implement a so-called "MICIE alerting system" that identifies, in real time, the level of possible threats induced on a given CI by “undesired” events happened in such CI and/or other interdependent CIs. Whenever such events occur, the MICIE alerting system will support the CI operators providing them with a real time risk level.
The alarm conditions can be evaluated by means of an on-line prediction tool making use of properly designed abstract CI models.
The CI model makes use of hierarchical modeling in order to evaluate the “level of interdependency” existing among the different CIs, which are characterized through proper “thresholds” values. The MICIE alerting system also includes a proper discovery, communication infrastructure able to operate in a heterogeneous CI framework, aiming at discovering the “sensible” data in the different CIs, at translating them in CI-independent metadata and transporting them via a communication network.
Key activities of MICIE project are: